When Does the Fetus Receive Its Soul?

    It is clear to scientists that at around the fortieth day after conception, the fetus gains the status of a…

    Hilchot Shabat

    Uma panela que está sobre a plata de Shabat, e o molho evaporou. O que é permitido fazer no Shabat,…

    “The Jewish Spark Was Extinguished”: 10 Facts About the Fast of Gedaliah

    The Fast of Gedaliah, which always falls on the 3rd of Tishrei, marks the final tragic end of the Jewish…

    “There are Now Hundreds of Ethiopian Torah scholars” — An Interview with Three Ethiopian Rabbis

    Three Ethiopian rabbis — Rabbi Mazor Baheine, Rabbi Eliezer Mengesha and Rabbi Reuven Wabeshet — discuss how their community is…

    Sensational Duet – Mordechai Ben David & Avraham Fried

    Mordechai Ben David & Avraham Fried perform a stunning duet at the ATIME Shas A Thon. Accompanied by the Shira…

    Can Talc Cause Ovarian Cancer?

    A California Judge thinks so

    The Power of a Whisper

    Though G-d appears far beyond our reach, beyond this world and beyond all galaxies, in the highest heavenly realm lies…

    How can I Stop Being a Show Off?

    There’s hope if you thank G-d for what He gave you

    Meal Replacements: Do Those Bars and Shakes Really Work?

    When you're looking to lose weight, a grab-and-go French vanilla bottled shake or mint-chocolate chip bar may seem like a…

    Warning: Burned Food May Cause Cancer

    The British Health Organization came out with this warning. Burning food increases Acrylamide in starchy foods and root vegetables.
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