Como deve ser minha mesa de Shabat?

    Você realmente deve desfrutar de iguarias no Shabat e isso é sagrado!

    New Release: Six13 – Bohemian Chanukah

    Is this just fantasy? No, it's our Chanukah tribute to one of the greatest and most epic songs of all…

    Spiritual Purity and the Flood

    There are approximately 120 million sperm in every milliliter of semen and each one has the potential to bring about…

    A Muslim in the Process of Conversion: “Judaism is the Holiest Religion”

    25 years after his mother and sister were murdered in cold blood in the name of the Koran, Munir Munser…

    World War III, Redemption, The Messiah and Prayer

    Is a third world war inevitable? It depends on us

    O Dono do “WeWork” , Billionário Adam Neumann: “Eu mantenho o Shabat”

    "Nós desconectamos nesse dia, mas na verdade estamos realmente conectando"

    The Ideal Amount of Sleep – Rabbi Zamir Cohen

    What goes on when we sleep? Is it just a matter of letting our body rest? Prof. Robert Stickgold: "During…

    Jewish Prayer Times Today

    What's today's Jewish prayer times? Sunrise, Shema, Morning Prayer, Midday, Mincha, Sunset, Nightfall, Midnight and more

    Has The Nazi Treasure Train Been Found?

    Polish sources report that they may soon succeed in recovering the Nazi treasure train which disappeared at the end of…

    They Don’t Deserve Everything

    A child needs to understand that he can’t get everything he wants. This understanding will only do him good
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