A permanent mud puddle

    His doorstep was graced by a perpetual pool of mud

    What Prayers Does a Woman Pray in the Morning?

    What does a beginner start to pray?

    A Not So Simple Man

    Visiting the rebbe, the Chozeh of Lublin

    Hidabrut Exclusive; Sneak Movie Preview of “Rabbi Nachman’s Stories”

    Watch “Hindyk”, a story from the movie and the director Tzvi Fishman’s message to us.

    O mérito de manter o Shabat

    No Clintch de uma grande venda de imóveis, um homem de negócios judeu é confrontado com um dilema; Shabat ou…

    Miami Boys Choir: Esmach – Official Music Video

    Entertaining musical performance by the legendary Miami Boys Choir. Directed & Composed by Yerachmiel Begun. Enjoy

    The Distortion of the Rambam’s Writings

    Our Sages state that the Jewish nation is distinguished in three ways. Like our forefather Avraham, they are compassionate, shy…

    Purim Klezmer – Yaptzik Klezmer

    Around the year Purim Medley - Enjoy

    The Book of Ruth: ‘Ploni Almoni’ – Why is He Known as The Anonymous Individual?

    In Judaism, it is not enough to be ‘good’, rather we must strive to be ‘great’

    Wonders of Creation: Two Seas Meet but Never Mix – Watch

    Spectacular footage of the Gulf of Alaska, where two oceans meet, though never mix
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