Sacrifier son travail pour le Shabbat ?

    Est-ce qu’un homme doit sacrifier son travail et perdre sa subsistance quand il l'oblige à violer le sabbat ?

    Let Me Tell You Something about Chabad

    “Charity is something they do daily and they don’t post it on Facebook”

    Why Keep Kosher?

    What are the benefits of keeping kosher? Why do Jews keep kosher? Is the reason for keeping kosher related to…

    Why did G-d Choose to Create the World as He Did?

    Since creation happened in stages, the whole world is connected in a chained-down form with higher realities connected to lower…

    A Heart of Spinach?

    Researchers succeeded in growing heart muscle tissue with spinach leaves!

    Why does Judaism Demand we give up our Life rather than Commit Adultery? – Watch

    Rabbi Daniel Rowe tackles this challenging question. Brought to you by J-TV

    Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky’s Rare Appeal for Prayer: Join Hidabroot’s Special Broadcast Tonight at 21:00

    Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky in a rare appeal, asks all Jews to gather this evening at 00:30 in synagogues and cry…

    Emotional Clip: Tefillin for the Last Time in Life

    The young man in the video is not observant in his daily life. But one day he heard that an…

    Powers of the Mikveh

    A woman who immerses herself in the water receives powers similar to a great and righteous Rebbe
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