Skin Disorder Makes Boy and Dog Best Friends

    Carter Blanchard has vitiligo, an ailment which causes white patches on his face. He befriended a dog with the same…

    Can Plants Really Hear?

    Amazing discoveries in botanical research on the language of plants, were already known to the Jewish Sages thousands of years…

    Survival Tips for a Heat Wave

    Fan or air-conditioner, how much water should I drink? Ministry of health instructions

    Questions and Answers about Noah and the Flood

    Is there any scientific evidence of Noah's flood? How were millions of species able to enter the ark? And what…

    7 Superfoods that Will Boost Your Health

    Healthy eating patterns have been shown to provide significant health benefits. Try adding these food items to your diet

    The Mysterious Lives of Plants

    Scientists are discovering amazing facts about plants- their ability to feel and sense what humans are doing around them. These…

    Sanctification of G-d’s Name in Germany: Footballer Reveals Shirt Inscribed “Hashem is G-d”

    Footballer Almog Cohen scored a winning goal in the German league, and sanctified G-d's name by revealing a shirt imprinted…

    17 Year Old Invents User Friendly Word Searches for Alzheimer’s and Dementia Patients

    86 year old Mary Frates could no longer do word searches until her grandson came to the rescue

    I See Fire by Pinny Schachter – Music Video

    This song transforms I see fire into a story about how Jews overcame the fire of the holocaust to be…

    Iranians Find Fire & Water after Desperate Search for Drinking Water

    In light of Iran's enormous water shortage, Kurdish-Iranians began to dig in a desperate search for water - what emerged…
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