Quotes From the Prophet Jeremiah About Shabbat, Fires and Redemption

    Shabbat brings the Redemption, its desecration brings fires

    Money Talks – Self-Esteem and Confidence

    It is of the essence for parents, teachers, and all adults who interact with young people to be sensitive of…

    “Always With You” – Official Music Video – Various Artists

    “G-d is Always With You” – You must see this touching song, starring Shmueli Ungar, Eli Marcus, Michoel Pruzansky, Shloime…

    The Soul of Your Debtor is In the Donkey

    "Know that in this donkey was the soul of your deceased debtor, and now that you have forgiven the debt,…

    How Can We Change the World?

    In these 3 weeks of mourning lie the tools to do it

    Kindness at a Supermarket

    The cashier swept her own credit card for me!

    Get a Glimpse of The Western Wall Tunnels

    The Western Wall Tunnel is an underground tunnel exposing the full length of the Western Wall. The tunnel is adjacent…

    Watch: Octopus Escapes back into the Sea

    This octopus boarded a fishing boat looking for food. What did he do when he found a small, narrow opening…

    Why Did G-d Create Fear?

    What purpose does it serve?

    Watch: Killer Whales Swimming at Full Speed

    Tourists from New Zealand recorded breath-taking footage of killer whales swimming out at sea
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