Gallery: Hypnotic Images from the Great US Eclipse, 2017

    Due to its radius, the eclipse became known as the "Great Eclipse" - something that has not happened since 8.6.1918.…

    Yaakov Shwekey: A Mother’s Promise – Official Music Video

    A touching and moving song about the unique bond between mother and child. You will be moved by this masterpiece

    Why Did the Gentile who Bought Chametz from Rav Elyashiv Convert?

    In honor of the sixth anniversary of the passing of Rabbi Yosef Sholom Elyashiv Zt "l. A fascinating story and…

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    Parashat Pekudei

    Watch: Who’s in the Egg? You will be Surprised

    See an egg hatching before your eyes

    From Khan Yunis to Judaism

    Shahar Yitzchak Amnon dreamt of becoming a Jew but almost didn’t live to see the day…

    The Re-establishment of Israel: A Modern Miracle – Watch

    The re-establishment of Israel is an unprecedented event in world history. Historian & Author Ken Spiro explains. Brought to you…

    From the Heart of Tehran: Revolutionary Guards Salute Jewish Soldiers at Ceremony

    As tensions grow between Israel and Iran, exceptional documentation from Tehran shows the Revolutionary Guards paying respect to fallen Jewish…

    Art, Judaism and Comic Books

    Are comic superheroes divorced from Judaism or is there a hidden message behind them?

    Unsteady – Pinny Schachter and Naftali Blumenthal

    “Hold on to me because I’m a little Unsteady”. Brought to you by
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