A Spiritual Remedy Guaranteed to Work on The Fast of Esther

    A Segulah (spiritual remedy) that should be performed at the crack of dawn of the Fast of Esther

    Lashuv Habayta of Yishay Ribo: Acappella – Yonatan Shtern and Yonatan Friedman

    D’attente chefs de file du secteur. Routine judicieux mais je vraiment pas être utilisé par les hommes. Vous plaît, notez…

    The Uniqueness of the Tallit – The Jewish Prayer Shawl

    Rabbi Paysach Krohn elaborates on the significance of the Jewish Prayer Shawl on a tour in Auschwitz-Birkenau. Mind-Blowing

    Watch How this Farmer Controls his Ducks

    Dogs are not the only animals that can be trained. See how this farmer has trained his ducks. Very impressive

    Leaving A Sefer Open

    An overview of the laws of leaving a sefer open.

    The Weight of Air – in the Talmud

    The weight of the air pressing down upon our bodies every second is about 10 tons. Torah Sages living 2,000…

    A Shidduch Story: Sorry, Wrong Number

    Countless memories crossed Shira’s mind of the times her father warned her not to ever bring home a Yeshiva boy,…

    Watch: “Klezmer Medley” – Chilik Frank, Mendy Hershkowitz & Blue Melody

    Enjoy this Klezmer Medley featuring Chilik Frank and Mendy Hershkowitz, brought to you by Blue Melody

    Shemoneh Esrei – First Blessing – Foundations – Part 2

    Rabbi Menachem Nissel gives us the tools to make your prayers personal, relevant and focused

    10 Facts about Rabbi Chaim Vital in Honor of His Yohrzeit

    Today, the 30th of Nisan is Rabbi Chaim Vital’s Yohrzeit, the preeminent student of The Ari and his Kabbalistic teachings
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