- From 10%-12% of the world population are “lefties”.
- There are twice as many male lefties as female lefties.
- Being a leftie is hereditary. If both parents are lefties there’s a 50% chance a child will be born a leftie.
- Research shows lefties are better at math, architecture, spatial orientation. And righties have better verbal skills. A considerable amount of lefties are musically gifted and have perfect pitch and hearing.
- 7 of the 45 US presidents were lefties (not politically).
- Famous lefties include: Albert Einstein, Isaac Newton, Charles Darwin, Benjamin Franklin, Beethoven, Napoleon, Henry Ford, Bob Dylan, Brad Pitt, Kafka, and Tom Cruise.
- In the English Royal Family the Queen Mother, Queen Elizabeth II, Prince Charles and Prince William are all lefties.
- One study found that lefties process their feelings differently from righties and may be quicker to anger.
- Research shows lefties to be more prone to allergies and asthma.
- Medical experts found that a lefty that loses use of his left hand will learn new skills with his right hand quicker than a righty will learn skills with his left hand.
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