2. The Holy Zohar describes the high rank of those who were killed by royal (Roman) decree only for being Jewish: “…and there are the mourners of Zion and Jerusalem, with all those who were killed by other nations, by the hands of other peoples, they have such great sanctity that their souls ascend…and the lights of the high places in this sanctuary continue, and they merit to receive that light, and even the mourners of Zion and Jerusalem are connected with them… “(Zohar, Bereishit 2:17)
3. The figures of the fallen of Israel are inscribed on the clothing of the Creator: Later on in the Zohar it is written: “And the Messiah the Son of David entered this ‘fourth hall’ and wore a garment with the image of all those who were killed by the nations. Then the Messiah continues to the Holy One, Blessed be He, and the images of the deceased are engraved into the royal garb of the Holy One, Blessed be He. “Our Rabbis explain that this garment is destined to be taken to avenge the Gentiles. He will judge the Gentiles wearing this garment ‘full of corpses’.”
4. Even a Jew who has sinned and is killed sanctifying G-d’s name is granted the highest status: Even Jews who have not been able to perform mitzvoth in their lives and sanctify G-d merit high levels in the World to Come. The Rambam in the Letter of Martyrdom assures that: “And a man who will merit to ascend to such a high level, that is, that he was killed for the sanctity of G-d’s name, even if his sins were like those of Jeroboam son of Nebat and his companions, he is still of the world to come.”
5. He is merited to be called a ‘saint’ and a ‘servant of G-d’. The verse states: “Throw the carcass of your servants into the air, the flesh of your saints to the heavens, “The Radak explains:” When they were killed by enemies, even though they were wicked and deserving of death, their sins were atoned and they are called ‘Your servants’ and ‘saints’.

6. He fulfilled Mitzvah of Kiddush Hashem -Sanctifying G-d’s Name: The Rambam in the Letter of Martyrdom explains the greatness of this commandment, and explains that “if a Jew was martyred in the presence of 10 Jews, it is considered to be the sanctification of G-d in public: “If he is killed, he has already sanctified the name…and if it happened in front of 10 it is considered a public sanctification of G-d similar to Hanania Mishael and Azarya, Daniel, the 10 martyrs of the kingdom, Chana and her 7 sons and all Jews that died sanctifying G-d’s name, may G-d speedily avenge their blood. About them the verse says, “Gather for me my saints who keep my covenant upon being slaughtered” And our sages said: “I made you swear, the daughters of Jerusalem, with the gazelles or deer of the field…‘I made you swear’- in the generations of annihilation, “with the gazelles” – that did my wish and I did their wish, ‘or the deer of the field’- they spilled their blood for me like deer.”
7. The Shelah rules that one should bless upon becoming a martyr with joy over fulfilling the commandment of Kiddush Hashem: “It seems in my eyes that those who come to sanctify the Name of G-d and fulfill the positive commandment…So before they kill Him, He should bless with the following blessing: Blessed are You, O Lord our G-d, King of the world, who sanctified us with His commandments and commanded us to sanctify His Name in public, as with many positive commandments that one blesses before fulfilling. “The Shelah is in doubt with whether to say this blessing in any situation of martyrdom or only when it takes place before ten people.
8. Rabbeinu Yonah explains how each person can reach this lofty level of Kiddush Hashem: “When a person recites the Shema and reaches the verse and you shall love the Lord your G-d with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might, he should think of what our sages said; ‘Your soul, even if they take your soul’ and give up his soul to the G-d blessed be He, and conclude in his mind to give up his life for the sanctity of G-d and to get killed for Him, and it will be considered a merit for him, as if he were killed for the sanctity of G-d’s name.”
9. Martyrs do not feel the pain of death: It is known in the name of the Maharam of Rothenburg that anyone who gives himself up for the sanctification of the Lord does not feel any pain and suffering at the time he is killed. The Maharam of Rothenburg died in prison and did not allow the Jewish community to pay ransom for his body. His body stayed whole and fresh for years until he was finally buried.
10. Prayer for the revenge of the blood of the murdered: When the name of a saint who was killed sanctifying G-d’s name is mentioned, it is customary to add: “Hashem should avenge his blood.” Thus we pray to the Creator of the Universe to avenge our vengeance.
Believing Jews do not need a special day to remember the fallen. Every Shabbat after the reading of the Torah, except for a few Sabbaths, the prayer of the “Father of the Mercy” is recited at the synagogue which was composed during the Crusades, in which we ask from G-d to take revenge upon the Gentiles for the great blood they shed:
Here are the words of the prayer: “The Father of Mercy, who dwells on high, He will remember with mercy the holy congregations who have given their lives for the sanctity of the Lord. They were lighter than eagles and braver than lions to do the will of their creator and the desire of the one who formed them. May G-d remember them for good with the rest of the righteous ones of the world and avenge the spilled blood of His servants. As the verse says: Nations sing out your praise for His people! For He will avenge His servants’ blood, repay His adversaries with revenge, and clean His land for His people.” And it says; “and I have not cleansed their blood and G-d dwells in Zion” and in the scriptures it says “Why should the Gentiles say, Where is their G-d, lit it be known among the nations before our own eyes the revenge of your servants’ spilled blood”. And it says:” the One who seeks blood remembered them, He has not forgotten the cry of the humble “, and says:” The One full of corpses will judge among the nations, he will crush heads on the great land. He will drink from the river along the way; therefore he will raise his head.”
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