Pro Israel

250 Rabbis Thank Trump for Standing Up For Jerusalem and Israel  

250 Rabbis headed by the Chief Rabbi, Rabbi Yitzchak Yosef sent a special letter of thanks to President Donald Trump for his brave step in declaring Israel’s sovereignty on Jerusalem. “You have a rare merit as the first president to promote the recognition of Jerusalem as the eternal capital of the State of Israel. We merit living in the generation in which many prophecies are coming true one by one. Jews came and are coming to Israel from all corners of the world. Israel repeatedly is victorious over its enemies time after time. Israel’s mountains generously produce fruit and the Israeli economy is getting stronger and stronger. We merit seeing Jerusalem built and children playing in its streets.”

The idea for the letter was initiated by Rabbi Shmuel Eliyahu the Chief Rabbi of Safed. Besides the 250 rabbis being signed on it, Rabbinical Judges, Rosh Yeshivas and educators also signed on it to show their appreciation to the president for his declaration. “We’re confident that the rest of the prophecies will soon take place. The United States of America merited being of the first who supported the establishment of the State of Israel and its presidents merited standing at Israel’s side being a partner in fulfilling the vision of the prophets about the return to Zion and the building of the State of Israel.”

The letter concludes with a deeply heartfelt blessing to the president: “We are sure that you will be remembered in the chronicles of Israel for eternity as someone who stood fearlessly at the front. May it be G-d’s will that g-d’s promise to Joshua be fulfilled on you: “I’ve commanded you to be strong and mighty, do not fear or cower for your Lord, G-d is with you everywhere you go. Amen and Amen.” 

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