A heartwarming mazel tov for the Peretz family, which is shared by the many thousands who were a recipient of their acts of kindness: after 30 years of waiting, a baby daughter was born to Yitzchak and Sima Peretz in the hospital where the couple did innumerable acts of kindness to others. The couple live in the Givat Shaul neighborhood of Jerusalem.
Rabbi Yitzchak and his wife, both 49, are known to thousands as the organizers of free meals and refreshments for dozens of patients and visitors in Hadassah Ein Kerem hospital every Shabbos. The food is financed by Rabbi Handler.
One person said, “Rabbi Peretz brings wine and challahs for kiddush and he himself makes kiddush for invalids who can’t go to the dining room. He also arranges hospitality rooms for people who have sick relatives and need a place to stay. He is simply an angel.”
The couple had been praying for children for dozens of years, but in the meantime didn’t waste their time and performed thousands of acts of kindness to benefit the sick and those in difficult situations.