At least 4 people were killed and 15 wounded when a terrorist drove his truck into a crowd of soldiers on the Jerusalem Promenade by the Armon Hanitziv neighborhood. From first reports it appears that the terrorist was shot. The cab of the truck was riddled with bullet holes but it didn’t shatter.
Police report that “a truck coming from Aller street to the promenade veered of the road and hit a group of soldiers getting off a bus. There are injuries of various levels of severity.” Yaakov Kaminetzki a volunteer motorcycle EMT said: “When I arrived at the scene I found the difficult sight of pedestrians who were run over by a truck at the Armon Hanatziv Promenade. Some of them were trapped under the truck and unconscious and I asked the United Hatzalah dispatcher to send fire trucks and other volunteers to deal with the many casualties. Near the truck a number of victims were spread out with varying degrees of injuries from light to critical.”
In response to the terror attack, Shuli Muelem, the head of the Bayit Hayehudi party said: “the responsibility for this attack lies solely with the PA that maintains a well-funded incitement mechanism even in its education system. The PA’s conduct received moral support from the UN resolution which the Obama administration supported. As far as they are concerned (The PA) has no problem with calling out to the world asking for peace and calling out to the Arabs to murder.”