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Israeli captives in Gaza: The Hamas have turned down an offer made by Israel to trade one of the Israelis captured by the Hamas Abraham Maginsto  and Hisham A Said with the brother of a senior Hamas member in Israeli prison.

Upsetting: the Jerusalem Municipality will be funding schools that incite against Israel.

Friends:  Abu Mazen called opposition head Isaac Herzog to see how he is recovering after a mild stroke on Friday night.

Initial approval: A municipality or local council that has a religious minority over 20% of its population will have a deputy mayor representing them as a paid position.

El-Al : El-Al is still in dispute with its pilots. More flights are getting cancelled.


Prime Minister Netanyahu is visiting the U.K. today. He will be discussing Iran and the Palestinians during his visit.

Security: Nine wanted men were arrested in Yesha last night.

World:  The controversy about Trump’s immigration law is alive and well. The Seattle judge that said the law was unconstitutional brought about a temporary stay on Trump’s orders to forbid entry for people from 7 countries, allowing those with visas entry. Airport authorities allowed people from these countries to enter. The White House announced that its decision is lawful and binding and the Justice Department appealed the freeze of the order.

The Mexican wall: In a survey, 60% were against the wall on the Mexico U.S. border.

Obama: The Obama Administration allowed Iran to develop ballistic missiles able to reach Israel.

Arab news: Jordan Air Force planes bombed ISIS ammunition storage buildings in Southern Syria.

Judaism: The Torah world is still praying for Rabbi Shteinman. This morning Profesor Motti Ravid, head of the Maaynei Hayeshua hospital said : ”Rabbi Shteinman’s situation is not so good this morning. He is suffering from fever probably do to  a different infection than the previous one. Compared to last week his situation is poorer.

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