This past Super-Bowl Sunday many people thought about having a good time. Meir Kay was busy making sure that others less fortunate would also have a good time. Just thinking of others is already a good start but actually going through the trouble to organize an event for them to have a good time is above and beyond most people’s wildest dreams, especially those who got to enjoy a rare respite from living on the streets.
This text is based on Meir Kay's YouTube page.
The homeless of New York City got to have a Super Bowl party. For most people the Super Bowl is a holiday, together with Thanksgiving, and Hanukah. Many of us surround ourselves with family and friends to eat and drink.
But for the homeless that have nowhere to go, it gets even more lonesome.That's why I teamed up with my friends at 230 Fifth: Best Heated Rooftop Bar/Club/Restaurant In NYC and we threw a Super Bowl party they would remember!
Life is a wheel, sometimes we're up and other times we find ourselves lower than we thought possible. There are no guarantees and no one is any better than the other. There's no race or finish line. We're all on the same team and for any team to succeed, we need to have each other’s back, work together and move forward as one. It's not always about money. A kind word, some food, a hot drink; a conversation goes a long way. We must do what we can do make this world a brighter place a more positive, happier world and that begins with you. #BeKind”
If you watch the video you’ll see that is exactly what Meir Kay did. He reached out to people that most won’t reach out to and treated them with the dignity they deserve as humans. They lit up with happiness that will carry them for a long time.
Kudos to Meir for reaching out to them and bringing them light where they see mostly darkness! Meir, You are an Inspiration!!