Children would stand in two lines, one opposite the other – and throw nuts at each other.
Purim Shpiel: A mock play based on the Book of Esther. The Purim Shpiel actors dress up as heroes of the Purim story, dancing, singing and reciting humorous texts.
As soon as the month of Adar begins, yeshivah students would act out Purim shpiels, and sing unique Purim songs.
During the month of Adar, congregants would send food packages to each other, and the day after Purim – they would arrive at the synagogue with a handkerchief full of copper coins.
They had a unique custom of playing games of chance.
They would cut down trees and construct a puppet in the form of Haman. Once the structure stood and was stable enough – they would belt it with stones.
Also in Tunisia they would construct a puppet in the form of Haman but instead of destroying it, the children walked with it through the streets.
They adopted the idea of the Purim Shpiel.