The Story of Sharon Nachshoni – A Clinical Death

    Countless numbers of people who have heard the story find that it ignites in them a spark about the meaning…

    Dreams – The Spiritual Realm of the Mundane

    Among other messages, dreams convey that our mundane, daily lives can in fact be transformed and elevated to the spiritual…

    From Khan Yunis to Judaism

    Shahar Yitzchak Amnon dreamt of becoming a Jew but almost didn’t live to see the day…

    New Research Says: “Talk to Your Fetus”

    It will help him develop his language skills early on in life

    Can you Change your Personality Traits?

    Can a person change the personality traits he was born with? Rabbi Zamir Cohen explains how you can channel your…

    The Operating System of the Universe – Rabbi Michel Twerski

    How each and every individual has an impact on the entire universe. Brought to you by 'Drops Of Light Project'

    Tehillim – Psalms for Wednesday

    Tehillim (The Book of Psalms) for Wednesday, divided into daily portions. Wednesday Psalms: Chapters 73 – 89

    “Mommy Please Tell Me That I’m Good”

    “Please don’t tell me that everything I do is wrong!”

    All Because of a Tiny Booklet

    Alon Tahori lived a double life. The dilemma between becoming religious and continuing his routine life troubled him for years…
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