Israel news:
In Southern Gaza an IDF “Sky Rider” drone fell; there’s no risk of breached intelligence or stolen information.
Toxic substances in children’s jewelry: The Ministry of Health states: “There are toxic substances in jewelry and toys meant for children. Existing legislation on this is full of loopholes.”
“Tenant- landlord law”: A new law meant to clarify the relationship and obligations between a landlord and tenant was authorized to be read a second and third time in the Knesset in order to make it a law. A welcome addition to the law is that a tenant can upkeep the apartment and repair it when necessary and deduct the expense from the upcoming month’s rent. Another detail is if the landlord hired a real estate agent to find a tenant, he must pay the bill and not pass it to the tenant.
The homes of the terrorists who murdered Hadas Malka and El-Chai Tahar-Lev will be destroyed by the IDF.
Israel Labor Party primaries begin in which 52,000 party members will choose their new party head. Ballots opened Tuesday 10 AM and will close 9pm.
World news:
North Korea provokes the free world with another missile test: South Korea claims the missile was launched from western North Korea and landed near North Korea’s eastern coast. Japan said it’s possible the missile landed in its general territorial waters.
‘Gaza is abused by Qatar, Iran and Turkey; it is a tool in the hands of each one of them who bring unrest to Gaza to pursue their personal interests on the backs of the Gaza residents’, the Gulf States newspapers accuse.
Does NASA kidnap children and send them to Mars? Last Thursday a ‘space expert’ Robert David Steele appeared on the syndicated national radio show of Alex Jones and claimed precisely that! Oh and he also claims they sometimes kill some of them and use their body parts for medicines against ageing! NASA actually denied such happenings instead of ignoring the hallucinatory science fiction.