Ya’akov and Esav -Toldot All Rapped Up

    What are the differences between Yaakov and Eisav?

    Ancient Astronomers

    It is incredible to discover that thousands of years ago, when most of the surrounding civilizations counted only some 4,000…

    Elul -Women Starting Anew

    How should women prepare for Rosh Hashana?

    Candle-Lighting Times: August 17, 2018 – Parshat Shoftim

    Shabbat Times for Major Cities Around the World: August 17, 2018 - Parshat Shoftim

    Children Love Chocolate Balls! A Purim Recipe

    All children love chocolate (and so do we!) But these are unique because they use jumping (fizzy) candy!

    Rabbi YY Jacobson – The Six Building Blocks of Jewish Identity

    Rabbi YY Jacobson discusses the six cornerstones of Jewish identity and education: Identity, freedom, values, family, independence and resilience. Must…

    Jacob asks: “My friend became religious and can’t find a job. What can I tell him?”

    What can one say to one who repented and became religious, and prays for a livelihood but is not answered?…

    An Intimate Rivalry: The Jews and Classical Islam

    Cornell University Professor of Judeo-Islamic Studies Ross Brann discusses the fruitful and close relationship between Jews and Muslims in the…

    Gallery – The Beauty of Water Droplets

    We don't always notice the endless beauty that surrounds us. Take look at the beauty that lies in a single…
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