What Does Hasidic Wisdom Say About Marriage?

    10 pieces of advice worthwhile to remember.

    Yes, Elephants Also Know How to Swim

    Anyone who thought elephants only go in dry places, this video will surprise him. Watch an elephant swimming in deep…

    Parents Watch Out For Magnetic Beads

    Keep them out of your baby’s reach; they are very dangerous for babies that swallow them

    Watch: Looks Like this Truck is Pushing it a Little Too Far

    Know your limitations; make sure to draw the line before it’s too late! Gone viral

    Quadruple Amputee Reaches the Top of the Matterhorn

    Mountaineer Jamie Andrew lost his hands and feet to frostbite after becoming trapped in a snowstorm in France 17 years…

    Staying On Track

    What do I do to stay on track in this world? Which track do I take?

    Rabbi Dovid Goldwasser: Teshuva- The Power to Change

    Come to the Hidabroot Weekend Convention and go home ready to make the changes you always wanted to

    Watch: One day in the life of a sea cucumber

    Or as King David put it: “How great are Your deeds, G-d, all of them were made in wisdom.” Watch…

    Original: Decorated Home with Bright Dreidel Lights and Giant Menorahs

    Jews from Houston, Texas, came up with an original idea this Chanukah. They decided to decorate their home with colored…

    How Did Josef Mengele End His Life?

    After nonchalantly torturing millions of his victims in the name of ‘science’, Dr. Mengele managed to drop out of sight
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