Watch: Jewish American Soldiers in Iraq Celebrate the Shabbat Project
This is the sixth year that thousands of Jews around the world have joined together to observe the worldwide Shabbat…
Research Proves Talmud’s Statement: Olive Oil is Good for Your Memory
A diet rich in olive oil stops Alzheimer’s disease even in mice genetically predisposed to the disease
Watch: Creative Pastry Recipes
Try out these original pastry recipes. Great ideas for the upcoming Festivals
‘Torah-Live’ Brings Torah Study to Life
For some people, failure is only the catalyst for far greater success.
What Does Crawling Do for a Baby?
It helps muscle and motor development but what about all the microorganisms inhaled?
Why do People get Depressed? – Rabbi Dr Akiva Tatz
Why does modern society struggle with depression? What is the cure for depression? Rabbi Akiva Tatz explains how to overcome…
Sanctification of G-d’s Name in Germany: Footballer Reveals Shirt Inscribed “Hashem is G-d”
Footballer Almog Cohen scored a winning goal in the German league, and sanctified G-d's name by revealing a shirt imprinted…
Do You Take Vitamin C in The Winter?
It may be the wrong Vitamin!
Who is Hashem? What Does “Hashem” Mean?
What can we fully grasp about Hashem? Who is Hashem – Really? A simple and Kabbalistic explanation by Rabbi Nachum…
Thousands Sing ’Ani Ma’amin’ at the Western Wall as the Fast Ends – Must See
See thousands of Jews singing in unison at the Western Wall – 'Ani Ma'amin' – 'I believe in the coming…