Why Lychee Can be Fatal for Children

    It can cause profound hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) leading to convulsions and death

    A Baal Teshuva is like an Immigrant (Part two)

    We can discuss the 5 stages they both go through in more depth

    Women to know: Sudy Rosengarten – writing was something she couldn’t have escaped if she tried

    Look at what seems ordinary, and realize that there’s more than what meets the eye

    Unlocking G-d’s Blessing

    In this short clip, Rabbi Meyer Yedid gives us the key to unlocking the blessing G-d is waiting to shower…

    What Keeps Us From Becoming Great?

    We do it to ourselves but how?

    Post-partum Depression: “I floated around the House like a Ghost”

    Says a woman that had post-partum depression

    Happiness in Your Heart

    How can you truly feel the happiness and joy of others? Being filled with Hashem’s blessings is the best recipe…

    Educating Our Young: Creating Harmony in the Home

    How parents relate to each other has a significant effect on how their children relate to one another and, later,…

    The Humble Man Merits Greatness

    What are the advantages of acquiring the attribute of humility? A humble person will quickly develop positive traits such as…

    “Thanks to My Disadvantage, I Can Now Help People”

    Deborah Wakstock had one huge disadvantage — she suffered for years from the label “fatso.” Today she teaches people how…
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