Character, Fate, and Free Choice

    The Talmudic Sages addressed the question of fate and free will with a simple sentence: “Everything is in the hands…

    Danny Palgon: Bou – Official Music Video

    "And every day, to Him I pray, To help me look and see the beauty he created. And I know,…

    Wild Hailstorm Hits Russia – Watch

    One death, hundreds wounded and endless damage caused by a hailstorm in Russia

    WATCH: Chief Rabbi Mirvis – Is There a Remedy to Anti-Semitism?

    Rabbi Ephraim Mirvis, Chief Rabbi of the United Hebrew Congregations of the Commonwealth, discusses the genuine problem of anti-Semitism.

    Women to know : Lakewood’s paragon of chesed, Mrs. Shanik is as busy as any high-powered CEO

    When you want to do something, Hashem just gives you siyata dishmaya

    Eliezer Auerbach: Ilanga Lafisha – Official Music Video

    This song has achieved great acclaim worldwide. The lyrics are taken from Ethics of Our Fathers and translated into Zulu.…

    Why Shouldn’t I Bear a Grudge?

    Because we're commanded to rise above ourselves

    All Night Hoshana Rabbah Live Broadcast from Ohr Somayach Jerusalem

    Watch the annual Hoshana Rabbah livestream broadcast from Ohr Somayach Jerusalem. Be inspired throughout the night by world renowned lecturers;…

    Conservative Female Rabbi Crosses Lines and Becomes Orthodox

    In a open article publicized this week, Einat Ramon explains why she abandoned Conservative Judaism and her belief in authentic…

    See what Happens when Boiling Water Meets the Freezing Air of Canada

    A Chabad emissary demonstrates the intensity of the freezing cold temperatures outside by throwing boiling water into the air. Minus…
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