Como deve ser minha mesa de Shabat?

    Você realmente deve desfrutar de iguarias no Shabat e isso é sagrado!

    See Holocaust Photo Album By Henryk Ross

    See the pictures taken under great danger recording life in Lodz Ghetto.

    The Thirteen Principles of Jewish Faith – Maimonides

    According to Maimonides, these are the most important principles in Judaism that every Jew must know. The 13 Principles of…

    My Son Gavi

    When Gavi’s preschool teacher, asked us to come in for a conference, I knew she wanted to tell us how…

    The Shabbat Project 2019: Message from Chief Rabbi Goldstein

    Enter Hidabroot's lottery and win a weekend retreat with Hidabroot's favorite lecturers. Don't miss out! Come together to celebrate and…

    Parshat Behar: Shemittah, The Great Equalizer

    Just as everyone can partake of the fruit, everyone can partake of the Torah, we're all equal

    A Deeper Approach to Marital Harmony

    "Behold, you are betrothed to me” means that you are designated and reserved for me from among all other women…

    New Labor Head Avi Gabai is Anti-Religious Activist

    His outspoken opinions about religion are very disappointing to the religious establishment

    5 Reasons Secular Jews Want Shabbat to Remain a Day of Rest

    Why is there such a big non-religious lobby in Tel Aviv against opening stores on Shabbat?

    Wonders of Creation: The Pelican Dive – Absolute Perfection

    The Pelican dives into water at a speed that can break its neck and even blind the bird. How does…
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