Hidabroot is Coming to New York: 22 – 23 September 2019

    World renowned speakers will participate at the event, including Rabbi Zamir Cohen, Rabbi Paysach Krohn, Mr. Charlie Harary, Rabbi Yossi…

    Eitan Katz: Nigun – Official Music Video

    This Nigun was originally called the "Shaleshidis Nigun" as it was composed by, yes you guessed, Shaleshidis a few years…

    Watch Wonders of Creation: Lions vs. Pangolin

    The Creator of the Universe designed the Pangolin with a ‘coat of armor’ that protects it from predators. It curls…

    Simcha Leiner & Yedidim Choir “ABBA”

    One of Jewish Music’s hottest songs of the summer - ‘Abba’, joined by the incredible Simcha Leiner, and The Yedidim…

    What is Jewish Spirituality? Rabbi Michel Twerski

    Are we connecting to G-d in the correct way? Brought to you by 'Drops Of Light Project'

    A Shared Language in Marriage

    In the beginning of a marriage communication is vitally important. The beginning is as long as the beginning lasts —…

    Weekend Getaway at the Luxurious ‘Nir Etzion’ Hotel: Shabbos Shuva 14 – 15/9

    Enjoy an exciting Shabbos Retreat with Inspirational Lectures, Glatt Kosher Gourmet Meals, Extravagant Hotel Accommodations, Kids Programs, Swimming Pool and…

    A Bodybuilder and Male Supermodel Came Back to Judaism?

    Dror Okavi, Mr. Israel and Supermodel in America tells his story

    A Triple Crop in the Sixth Year(!) – Rabbi Zamir Cohen

    The Torah contains explicit prophecies regarding the Shmita (sabbatical year). It is amazing to see how accurately these prophecies have…

    Pourquoi Baba Salé a ordonné d'enterrer les légumes qu'on lui avait donné en cadeau ?

    Une question halakhique intéressante, tirée de la série "Vaarev Na" du Rav Its'hak Zilberstein
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