The Jewish Marriage Education Men Teachers Training Course

    The course is delivered by Rabbi Yirmiyohu Abramov and Rabbi Dovid Ostroff. Beginning this coming Motzei Shabbos in Jerusalem -…

    Teachings of Rav Levi Yitzchak Derbarmdigger, the Berditchever Rav

    Also known as the “Sanigoran shel Yisrael” (Defender of Israel), a disciple of Rav Shmelke of Nikolsberg and the Maggid…

    Communication: Don’t Talk Down to Children

    They have it hard already; we can be scary without even trying

    The Universe Comes Into Being – Rabbi Zamir Cohen

    Creation, Big Bang, or Was it Always there? All the Answers to the Biggest Question in the World

    Elul -Women Starting Anew

    How should women prepare for Rosh Hashana?

    Samuel The Prophet’s Yohrzeit

    10 facts in honor of the day of his passing

    10 Facts About the Sin of the Golden Calf

    The Children of Israel, who thought that Moshe died, turned to Aaron and asked him to make another god for…

    Gallery: Breathtaking Collection of Sunflowers

    These incredible images of sunflowers will cause you to thank G-d for the beautiful world that surrounds us. Wonders of…

    Narrow Bridge: Watch – Walking on a Narrow Cliff’s Edge

    The man in the video is doing an extremely dangerous move. Walking on the edge of a narrow mountain, an…

    How Come Jews Practice Shechita? (Jewish ritual slaughter)

    Not only do kosher animals not suffer during ritual slaughter, they do not even experience emotional discomfort before the act,…
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