Is It Possible to Change a Child’s Character?
Can you change your child's personality? Rabbi Zamir Cohen explains a fundamental educational concept based on the teachings of the…
Watch: 3 Months of Work & 500 Failures – The Results Speak for Themselves
After intensive work and hundreds of failures along the way, the mission was completed. What do you think of this…
Check out this beautiful and stirring rendition of Shalsheles Junior’s Heyma, with beautiful footage of the Holy Land!
Unity Concert in Pittsburgh – Avraham Fried, Lipa Schmeltzer & Shulem Lemmer
Over 1500 men, women and children from all walks of life gathered in Pittsburgh for a unity concert on Sunday…
Watch: Will this Maneuver Solve the Problem of Traffic?
While this is only a simulation, it is a great solution to reduce the problem of congestion on the road…
Hanukkah – Tap into the Light
Why did it take the Rabbis a whole year to announce the holiday of Chanukah? In this short video, Rabbi…
Did You Know: Shabbat Nachamu
Did you know why the Shabbat after Tisha B'av has a special name?
The Yom Kippur War: Celebrating Sukkot Under Fire
Rare video footage from the archive of the IDF: Distribution of wine and the Four Species for the holiday of…
Getting Appreciated Is In A Woman’s Control – Watch
What should you do if you don't feel appreciation from your husband? Host of ‘The Ladies Talk Show’ Leah Richeimer,…
Grace After Meals – Birkat Hamazon
Thank G-d for your food. It will bring blessing into your home