New York Boys Choir – “Spin That Dreidel”

    New York Boys Choir is back again with a Chanukah special! Enjoy

    Losing both Parents in One Day is a Tragedy words can’t describe

    “But that pain motivates me to save lives”

    The Formation of Twins

    Can recent discoveries in this field be considered “new” if knowledge about it has already existed for thousands of years?

    Messianic Times – What’s Trump’s Mission at the End of Days?

    Why is Trump making peace with North Korea? Who are the four Messiah’s at the End of Days? Rabbi Mendel…

    Gallery: Images of Magical Landscapes in Romania

    A Romanian photographer named Alex Robciuc captured mystical and magical landscapes in his country for more than a decade. See…

    A special drunkard

    In the middle of his journey he heard the sound of a woman sobbing, He stopped his wagon and went…

    Sick and tired

    Why I prefer to self-diagnose

    Watch: Adam Sandler & Howard Stern Sing Torah Blessing Together

    May they merit to understand the true meaning of this holy and meaningful blessing. It is intersting to note, that…

    What Were Steve Jobs’ Last Words Before He Died?

    Steve Jobs last words are a message for all of us to remember.

    Speaking Gossip to Close Relatives

    Is it permissible to speak negatively about others to one's spouse, in order to get the issue off one's chest?
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