Out of the Dumps, Performing Onstage

    Chani Goldstein never dreamed she'd become a successful female vocalist and DJ but G-d made it happen

    Gallery: 27 Finalists of the National Geographic Competition

    Every year photographers from around the world send their best pictures to the prestigious National Geographic photography competition. The pictures…

    What is the Talmud? What is the Oral Law?

    Judaism would be completely mysterious if not for the Oral Law which explains the basis and practical laws of keeping…

    Quality Time in Your Marriage

    A man needs to find the proper balance of quantity and quality. He must know that he has to allocate…

    Don’t Judge Judaism by Individual Jews – Watch

    Rabbi Gavriel Friedman and Ollie Anisfeld discuss a common misconception from the rooftop of the Aish Hatorah building in Jerusalem.…

    Why Are There Poor People?

    Why did G-d make it that there are poor people and we need to help them? He could make it…

    Who is that Boy in the Famous Warsaw Ghetto Picture?

    Everyone in the picture has been identified – but who is that child in the middle?

    Chosen Nation: G-d Gave the Torah Only To Us; Isn’t That Discrimination? Part 4

    G-d gives all of creation according to its needs and their nature

    How to Approach the Nine Weeks of Summer Vacation

    Vacation is an extraordinary opportunity for growth and development. We just have to approach it with the proper mindset

    Mordechai Shapiro: Kdei Lehodos – Official Music Video

    Song Composed by Yitzy Waldner & Mordechai Shapiro. Happy Chanukah!
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