17 Year Old Invents User Friendly Word Searches for Alzheimer’s and Dementia Patients
86 year old Mary Frates could no longer do word searches until her grandson came to the rescue
Rabbi Yitzchak Kadoori
He knew the Ben Ish Chai, was called a prodigy at the age of 17, and smoked to rectify souls.…
German Court Rules No Jail for Muslim Synagogue Arsonists
"Anti-Israelism" makes arson a permitted activity according to German judge.
Torah Advice for Domestic Harmony
2 pieces of advice that can make a world of difference
Watch: Rare Footage of the Great Sage Rabbi Elyashiv Learning Torah
Get a glimpse of greatness. The Holy Sage Rabbi Yosef Sholom Elyashiv Zt”l was the leading Torah authority of the…
“I asked God: I take care of your children please take care of mine.”
With 9 children of her own, 2 more adopted and many more that came through her doors this prayer is…
Give in Your Names for Prayer on Lag BaOmer
This Lag BaOmer we won’t light candles by Rabbi Shimon’s grave for you, but we will pray there on your…
OECD: “In Spite of Israel’s Weak Health System, Israelis Live Longer
This was the result of the latest OECD health study
Face The Unknown by Shulem – Music Video
"You and I are one, And wherever we're from, We all shine under the same sun". Spread Unity!
Watch: Ariel View of Masada – Magical
Breathtaking drone footage of Masada, Israel. Masada was the last stronghold held by the Jewish Zealots who refused to submit…