Huge Explosion at a Military Warehouse in Russia – Watch

    Russia’s Defense Ministry said a fire triggered the explosions at a storage facility for gunpowder near the city of Achinsk…

    Keep your Brain Young by Eating Eggs, Spinach and Avocado

    The lutein found in these foods protects the brain from cognitive function loss

    The Feminine Connection

    A woman who realizes the danger in projecting a superficial message to men will understand why modesty is so greatly…

    See more Wonders of Creation – A Bird Changing Color

    The Anna's Hummingbird has the unique ability to change color. These hummingbirds can shake their bodies 55 times per second…

    The Yearning Desire to Connect to Infinity

    In order to lead people to the objective goal of their existence, G-d has implanted within the human consciousness a…

    Breakthrough in Fetal Ultrasound Head Measurements

    New criteria minimizes great chance of error

    The Suffering of Suicide Victims After Their Death

    The ‘aura’ of suicide victims and those who die from substance abuse intensifies every night, as though the soul continues…

    What We Learn from Ishmael

    This short lesson can change your Rosh Hashana

    Probiotics For Depression?

    According to a new Canadian study probiotics used to improve irritable bowel syndrome also improved patients’ depression

    “Don’t Worry,” They Comforted Me, “It Doesn’t Matter How Many Sins You Did, There Is Always Repentance!”

    “Don’t be discouraged,” they told me. “There’s a concept called teshuvah (repentance). Teshuvah was created when the world was created;…
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