Alabama Family is Expecting Sextuplets

    Courtney and Eric Waldrop will G-d willing have 6 new additions to their family this winter

    Gallery: Fascinating Natural Phenomena you Won’t Believe Exist

    What happens when sweet water meets salty water, or when termites decide to invade the desert? Hypnotic and spectacular natural…

    High Holidays Meledy – Shloime Daskal, Ahrele Samet, Pinky Weber & S Brodt

    Yomim Noraim Medley – A stunning performance by the Freilach Band, the Shira Choir, Shloime Daskal, Ahrele Samet, Pinky Weber…

    Breakthrough in Fetal Ultrasound Head Measurements

    New criteria minimizes great chance of error

    G-d According to Science, If I Can’t See Him He Doesn’t Exist!

    That's not such a scientific method is it?


    Un des items les plus importants du site Hidabrout, si ce n'est le plus important est celui intitulé: "Questions au…

    A Musician that Invests in Torah Study Can Do Great Things!

    Amir Benayon counters the claim that a musician must use all his time for music and not learn Torah.

    Mechutanim Before You

    Representatives of the rich man came to clothe the chasan in beautiful expensive new clothing

    Was a Snake with 7 Heads Discovered in Thailand, as described in Tractate Kiddushin?

    Did you also receive an image of a seven-headed snake on WhatsApp? Very impressive, though is it genuine or a…

    Watch: What Happened to the Lioness’s Dinner?

    The lioness pounced on the tortoise in an attempt to crack its shell with her penetrating teeth. However, the Creator…
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