Lech Lecha: Abraham’s Trials ‘All Rapped Up’

    Rabbi Kantor summarizes the beginning of parshat Lech Lecha in rap style

    Hidabroot World Tour Summer 2017

    Warm up your Judaism this summer with world renowned speakers in your own home

    Children’s Involvement in Running the Home

    Our job as parents is to give our children the skills necessary to become self-sufficient. Running a home is a…

    Powers of the Mikveh

    A woman who immerses herself in the water receives powers similar to a great and righteous Rebbe

    Would You Help a 10 Year Old Light a Cigarette?

    A social experiment in the states checked this out and the results were really encouraging.

    Change of Perception – Rabbi Yitzchak Fanger

    Since one cannot change reality, one must learn to change one's attitude towards whatever challenges life presents.

    This is how the United States Army Eliminated the ISIS Leader – Watch

    The footage, taken by a drone, shows the special forces of the United States Army raiding the compound in the…

    Can I Be Truly Happy?

    In this episode of the movie Rabbi Nachman's Stories, you will find the keys to happiness

    An Intimate Rivalry: The Jews and Classical Islam

    Cornell University Professor of Judeo-Islamic Studies Ross Brann discusses the fruitful and close relationship between Jews and Muslims in the…

    Shabbat – The Spiritual Within the Physical

    A person who reflects upon the mitzvah of Shabbat from a true perspective will discover that besides for its spiritual…
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