Am I an Illusion? What Makes Me Real?

    Understanding our insignificance in the universe leads to humility and accepting that G-d leads our daily lives.

    A Lamp in the Darkness

    In times such as ours, modesty is truly “a lamp in the darkness";it is infinitely more than what we wear…

    Superwoman and the Eshet Chayil

    I was just doing everything that I needed to do for my family. What could possibly be wrong with that?

    Vous avez du mal à vous endormir  la nuit ? Vous ne croirez jamais quelle en est la cause !

    Une étude récente a découvert que travailler devant un écran d’ordinateur dans la soirée, a des répercussions sur la qualité…

    The Secret Life of Plants – Do Plants have Feelings?

    In 1970, the leading Russian newspaper Pravda announced in an explosive headline: “Plants Speak. Yes, They Shout! Only to Avoid…

    Watch: Jewish American Soldiers in Iraq Celebrate the Shabbat Project

    This is the sixth year that thousands of Jews around the world have joined together to observe the worldwide Shabbat…

    The Teachings of Our Sages on Marital Harmony

    "The sages have ordered that a man must honor his wife more than he honors himself and love her as…

    Rabbi YY Jacobson – The Six Building Blocks of Jewish Identity

    Rabbi YY Jacobson discusses the six cornerstones of Jewish identity and education: Identity, freedom, values, family, independence and resilience. Must…

    Attitude of Gratitude

    How can we stop the idea that everything is coming to us? Can we let our children feel everything is…
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