The Continental Drift According to Kabbalah

    Two thousand years ago, before Europeans had discovered North America, South America and Australia, how would rational men of science…

    How Can we Make Spirituality more Accessible? – Rabbi Akiva Tatz

    How can you become a person of great moral character? What is the key to becoming a more humble individual?…

    Does the Torah Endorse the Accuracy of Human Logic?

    The Torah s logical and needs human logic to live it

    Watch: Wolf Chases a Mountain Gazelle – Breathtaking

    Last weekend, in the Judean Desert cliffs: The Israel Nature and National Parks Protection Authority has documented a fascinating pursuit…

    Judaism – The Basis for all Religions

    Various monotheistic religions took the idea of belief in one God, and spread it among hundreds of millions of people,…

    Tefillin – Supreme Bindings

    Just like an audiovisual device can work through a single antenna that receives waves from the atmosphere transmitting its content…

    Conversion – A Question of Substance Not Ceremony

    Jewish identity is not a membership label which one gets by joining the Party and identifying with its goals. Jewish…

    “Bnei Anousim” Returning To Their Faith Around The Globe

    With the help of Shavei Yisrael, an organization founded to help lost Jews return to their people and faith, numerous…

    Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky – Add “Achashverosh” to the Patient’s Name

    Why did Rabbi Kanievsky decide to add the name "Antiochus" or "Achashverosh" to the patient’s name, and how did he…

    The Chafetz Chaim’s 3 Minute Speech

    He helped get everyone's priorities straight
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