Tips for Married Life: The Proper Attitude Toward Arguments

    A disagreement can be utilized as a tool to reinforce marital harmony

    Watch: Boro Park Reacts to Magic

    Shlomo Levinger hits the streets of Boro Park with his original and entertaining magic tricks. See how people react

    Actors Think They Can Write a Better Script

    In our blessing 'Shehakol' we declare Everything comes from Him. Let's remember that when we have doubts.

    Watch: Turtle’s Stunning Glow, Discovered in the Depths of the Pacific

    A delegation of two investigators sent to the Pacific in order to trace the phenomenon of bio-fluorescence (biological glow) in…

    A Letter from G-d

    “My Daughter, you’ve got everything you need to be happy”

    Informations – Israël

    Vous avez du mal à vous endormir  la nuit ? Vous ne croirez jamais quelle en est la cause !

    Hidabroot Live! This Motzai Shabbat

    Just on Time for Rosh Hashana, catch the inspiration at a Hidabroot live event

    Mommy Thank You for “Drugging” Me!

    Jessica McCabe’s letter of gratitude to her mother for giving her Ritalin for her ADHD and thereby giving her a…

    Take Your Time – Don’t Stress

    The sudden shift from a restful state to an active state, may pose as a threat to our physical health,…
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