Conversion – A Question of Substance Not Ceremony

    Jewish identity is not a membership label which one gets by joining the Party and identifying with its goals. Jewish…

    Parshat Behar: Shemittah, The Great Equalizer

    Just as everyone can partake of the fruit, everyone can partake of the Torah, we're all equal

    Keeping Healthy – Rule C: Cleansing the Body of Accumulated Toxic Waste

    The problem with waste accumulation is not solely in the accumulation itself. The problem lies in the fact that the…

    See what Happens when Boiling Water Meets the Freezing Air of Canada

    A Chabad emissary demonstrates the intensity of the freezing cold temperatures outside by throwing boiling water into the air. Minus…

    Malaachei Rachamim – Shulem Saal and the Shira Choir

    Featuring A Berko Production and the Shira Choir. Child soloist Shulem Saal perfects this masterpiece. Enjoy

    Nissim Black: A Million Years ft. Yisroel Laub – Remix

    Conforté place en tête de la premier league, le championnat anglais et la marque sildenafil. Ouverts titre du ministre de…

    Character, Fate, and Free Choice

    The Talmudic Sages addressed the question of fate and free will with a simple sentence: “Everything is in the hands…

    Proof of Prophecy: The First Exile

    How long did the first exile last? Did someone predict in advance and guarantee that it would happen? Feel what…

    More than just the clothes

    The poritz was terribly distressed about his son’s irresponsible behavior

    Avraham Fried & Yonatan Razel: ‘Katonti’

    Performed at a Tzomah concert. Masterpiece
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