Watch: What Does the Parrot Do When He Is Hot?
This is what the parrot does on hot summer days: He approaches the kitchen water faucet, washes his body, sings…
Rabbi Shteinman’s Last Will and Testament Read at his Graveside
His genuine humility was astounding, he really believed himself just a regular person
Six Facts You didn’t Know about Repentance
Mordechai Lewis gives us a hands on step by step plan to repent
Dreams – The Spiritual Realm of the Mundane
Among other messages, dreams convey that our mundane, daily lives can in fact be transformed and elevated to the spiritual…
Constructive Criticism in Marriage – Part 1
It is completely normal and natural for two people to have differences of opinion, though one must know how to…
Why do many Jewish Men use the Mikvah before Shabbat?
Immersion in a mikvah brings about a level of spiritual purity
Pilot from Ecuador Captures Images of Incredible Thunderstorms
A pilot named Santiago Borja, from Ecuador, displays a breath-taking gallery of thunderstorms from a pilot's view. Images from around…
Why Do Arab Men Like to Marry Jewish Girls?
Listen to an Arab man answer this troubling question
The Power of a Woman’s Prayer
She can move heaven and earth
Do You Have A Cold? Try Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky’s Remedy
For years, people looking to heal health problems received this response from Rabbi Kanievsky