Shema at Bedside – Edot Hamizrach

    Say Shema before going to sleep and sleep well with good dreams

    Order of the day: Enrollment in Jewish Day Schools

    Rabbi Zamir Cohen says that teaching evolution in the state secular and state religious system teaches Jewish children apostasy

    The Power of a Mother’s Love

    There’s No Stopping You When Your Mother Believes in You

    70 Years Later the Tallit Remained Intact

    When the grave was opened, he was amazed to find that the prayer shawl that the man was buried in…

    Tonight @ 21:00 EST – Live Broadcast in Honor of the ’Hilula’ of the Baba Sali

    The stories that were never told: On the occasion of the 35th anniversary of the passing of the holy Rabbi…

    You Make Sense and Yet You’re Wrong

    Give him what he needs, not what you think he needs

    Feeling G-d’s ‘Tangible’ Reality by Experience

    How can you feel G-d? What is the purpose of physical pleasure? What is a G-dly experience? “Every permissible physical…

    The Cycle of Kibbud Av Va’eim

    Children emulate what they see in the home

    A 39 Year Old Mother of 38 Children; How?

    “Well I gave birth to 44 but 6 died”

    At Least

    Saying Thank You Isn't Always as Simple as It Seems, Especially When Regarding G-D .Hakarat Hatov-Gratitude to G-D, What Does…
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