Tefila Sheli by Uri Davidi – Official Music Video

    "I know That HaShem hears My prayer from within my heart Wherever I need And whenever I request My Father…

    A Fad or a Daf?

    Rabbi Meir Shapiro of Lublin instituted what is perhaps one of the most significant structural changes in Jewish history that…

    My Marriage is On The Rocks – What Do I Do?

    Rabbi Schonbuch discusses different things to do

    Could I Get A Lamb That’s Kosher for a Passover Sacrifice?

    The "Institute For the laws of Sacrifices" found an interesting way to teach about the Passover sacrifice. May we merit…

    Mesiras Nefesh for the Common Man

    We are fortunate to have contemporary as well as ancient heroes to inspire us

    Judge People Favorably

    Rabbi Goldwasser shares a story that conveys the importance of judging others favorably

    Bending The Rules

    Sometimes the situation calls for a little leeway

    Gallery: When Nature meets Photography

    Look through a gorgeous collection of nature images from 2017. Wonders of Creation

    Gallery: Camouflaged Animals

    Try finding the animals hidden in this collection of pictures. The Creator of the Universe provides animals with the necessary…

    Chief Rabbi of Morocco’s Heartrending Call: “We Must Keep Our Children!”

    In a lecture broadcast to thousands of viewers worldwide, Rabbi Yoshiyahu Pinto delivers dire warning of assimilation * Economic crisis…
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