Rabbi Ovadia Yosef’s Message: Make Sure Your Home is Peaceful

    “Stringencies taken on by novices have nothing to do with Halacha and can cause domestic strife”

    Successful Gene Splicing May End Many Genetic Diseases

    Researchers successfully removed a faulty gene from a fetus splicing in a healthy one instead

    OECD: “In Spite of Israel’s Weak Health System, Israelis Live Longer

    This was the result of the latest OECD health study

    Rave Reviews from the Hidabroot Elul Weekend Convention

    “It was too short; we’re ready to come back again!”

    Can I Be Truly Happy?

    In this episode of the movie Rabbi Nachman's Stories, you will find the keys to happiness

    Even If We Don’t Understand

    We have a relationship with G-d and a relationship means trust

    Watch more Wonders of Creation: Leaf or Insect?

    Watch this amazing video that will awaken feelings of gratitude to G-d for His wondrous creation. Gone viral

    A Soldier’s Promise

    He opened the door and was shocked to see a soldier sitting there

    The Book of Ruth: ‘Ploni Almoni’ – Why is He Known as The Anonymous Individual?

    In Judaism, it is not enough to be ‘good’, rather we must strive to be ‘great’

    The Journey and the Destination – Rabbi Akiva Tatz

    If you grasp your life as a journey to an amazing destination, the building of an eternal result, the difficulties…
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