‘Hatov’ by Yonatan Razel

    Lyrics: "You are the Beneficent One, for Your mercies have not ceased. You are the Merciful, for Your kindnesses have…

    Shidduch Saga: The inadvertent shadchan

    “You know me, you can always count on me to make trouble! “Mazal tov!”

    Is There Life After Death?

    How does it work? Is there a male soul and a female soul?

    Having a Large Family

    Many couples these days experience doubts when it comes to having more children. They fear that additional children will create…

    Where is Miriam’s Well Today? Archaeology Discovers the Hebrew Bible

    Rabbinic writings make it clear that Miriam’s Well accompanied the Israelites when they entered their land and was hidden away…

    What Does Shabbat Mean to You?

    Here's what it means to the man on the street

    Challah: Recipe, Laws, and Prayers

    Challah is more than just a delicious loaf of bread. A simple how-to for the recipe of dough, what and…

    6 Natural Allergy Remedies

    Are you suffering from seasonal allergies? Try out these natural remedies that can provide you with the relief you’re looking…

    Learn the Power of Unity from Budgies

    As a Group they are much more effective in all they do

    I was Looking for Mrs. Right and I Found Her!

    Mrs. Right: “My profile was on the site for only one day and that was enough”!
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