Become a King – Rule over Yourself

    If you can't control yourself you don't have what it takes to lead

    Daily Halacha: Naming After One Who Died Young

    Naming for one who died in tragic circumstances may not be a good omen for the child.

    Reflections Over a Cup of Coffee – Rebbetzin FeigeTwerski

    Even the most mundane activity can bring us to a state of mindfulness

    75 Years Later… A Torah Scroll Makes Its Way Home

    The wife showed them the “Jewish book” that had been in their home since the beginning of World War II

    From Shimon and Levi to Pinchas and Zimri

    The two Tribes most closely associated with each other are Shimon and Levi. Many years later, their descendants meet again

    Ping Pong or Bowling? Watch Chinese Champion Break Records

    Chinese champion breaks records online. With fascinating skill he manages to knock the skittles standing on a ping pong table…

    The Grass is Greener on the Other Side

    I didn’t like rice but when my neighbor made it I loved it!

    Watch: Rabbanit Yemima Mizrachi – A Women on a Mission

    Where do Jewish women get their strength and courage from? What is the mission of a Jewish woman? Rebbetzin Yemima…

    Yes, Elephants Also Know How to Swim

    Anyone who thought elephants only go in dry places, this video will surprise him. Watch an elephant swimming in deep…

    The Man Behind ArtScroll – Architect Of A Revolution – Rabbi Meir Zlotowitz

    What was the secret of Rabbi Zlotowitz's phenomenal success? How did he attract supporters from the entire spectrum of Jewish…
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