Symphony Chuppah: Benny Friedman and The A Team Orchestra
The A Team presents a Symphony Chuppah featuring Benny Friedman
The Chafetz Chaim’s 3 Minute Speech
He helped get everyone's priorities straight
Shmueli Ungar: ‘Mach A Bracha’ – Music Video
Every day, from when we wake up, till we go to bed, we have the opportunity to make blessings. In…
Jon Morrow’s Message: “If I Can Do It You Can Too!”
Suffering from a chronic terminal illness, Jon Morrow became a millionaire by inspiring millions of people to give it their…
The Archer Fish
Amazing Fishes, known for their habit of preying on small animals - by shooting them down with water droplets from…
Why Didn’t G-d Need To Be Created?
The difference between G-d and everything else
Evolution of Jewish Music – Meir Kay & Benny Friedman
A tribute to singers and performers from the 20th century, highlighting well known songs, concerts and music videos. Enjoy a…
The Power of a Whisper
Though G-d appears far beyond our reach, beyond this world and beyond all galaxies, in the highest heavenly realm lies…
You’re Never Too Old
My parents hadn’t let me go to seminary in Jerusalem, and I’d never gotten over it
“G-d Saved me From Death so Why Did He Throw Me in Jail?”
Police Investigators found evidence that four innocent men were killed and they caught the perpetrator… or so they thought