Es Achai – Mordechai Ben David, Shira Choir & The Sababa Band
Lyrics: “And he said, I am looking for my brothers. Tell me now, where are they pasturing?" (Genesis – 37,16)…
How Do We Deal With the Challenges of Our Generation?
The confusion is overwhelming and the trials are so great it seems that everything is coming apart
The Cycle of Kibbud Av Va’eim
Children emulate what they see in the home
Second Time Around
The yeshivah followed a five-year cycle of talmudic study
The Wedding Gown
Why did the woman wear a wedding gown while lighting her Shabbat candles?
Hidabroot World Tour Summer 2017
Warm up your Judaism this summer with world renowned speakers in your own home
Extending the Influence of Shabbat
It is so important that we all attempt to make the Shabbat influence stretch over as much of the work-week…
Yosef – The Fourth Forefather
While Yosef was one of the twelve tribes, he also seems to play a more significant role than his brothers…
See what Happens when Boiling Water Meets the Freezing Air of Canada
A Chabad emissary demonstrates the intensity of the freezing cold temperatures outside by throwing boiling water into the air. Minus…
Technology and Spirituality – R. Feige Twerski
If we can update our version of windows, do our souls deserve any less?