Laws of Shabbat: Grinding – Cutting Food on Shabbat

    How may one cut his fruits and vegetables on Shabbos? Is the cutting of meat, fish and cheese included in…

    Vayeira – Holy Laughter

    Laughter is a serious matter and we have to know how to use it correctly

    The Colors of the Rainbow – Rabbi Zamir Cohen

    What message is conveyed through the Colors of the Rainbow?

    British Medical Research: There is Life After Death

    An examination of more than 2,000 patients who underwent cardiac arrest shows that the consciousness retains its awareness, even during…

    Three Years of Sun in Three Minutes – Wonders of Creation

    Incredible Footage: This video shows images of the sun over three years at a pace of two images per day.…

    Gad Elbaz & Nissim Black: L’CHAIM – Official Music Video

    L’chaim is the featured song of Gad’s brand new album also titled “L’chaim” - Enjoy

    The World Trade Center Disaster – Why?

    Many ask about the spiritual significance of this terrible tragedy that brought the US low. We are too small to…

    Success Comes from Giving Charity – Sol Werdiger

    Sol Werdiger explains why being charitable is essential for being successful in business. Delivered at Olami Professional Circles

    Do You Have A Cold? Try Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky’s Remedy

    For years, people looking to heal health problems received this response from Rabbi Kanievsky
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