How to Get Rid of Flies Quickly & Easily

    If you want a quick and easy natural way to get rid of flies in your house this summer then…

    Hallelu Et Hashem: Akiva – Project Tzama 5

    Lyrics: Praise the Lord, all nations, laud Him, all peoples.For His kindness has overwhelmed us, and the truth of the…

    The Joy of Simchat Torah

    What is the true joy of Simchat Torah?

    The Significance of a Yahrzeit: The Annual Memorial for the Deceased

    What is the purpose and significance of a Yahrzeit / Azkarah? Learn how to elevate the soul of a beloved…

    Join The Shabbat Project 2019: Uniting more than 1,000,000 Jews Around the Magic of Shabbat

    The idea is simple: Jews from all walks of life - from across the spectrum of religious affiliation, young and…

    Brave New World: The New Genetics – Rabbi Dr Akiva Tatz

    Rabbi Dr Akiva Tatz discusses Jewish genetics, premarital genetic screening, DNA identification methods and more

    The Impact of Silence on the Human Body

    Our Sages tell us that silence protects human wisdom, and is the healthiest pill to swallow

    Elul – The Effects We Have on Others

    This is the season for change, for reinforcing the positive and taking steps to divest ourselves of the negative

    Sefardi Party – Avi Peretz & The Freilach Band

    Feel the Magic as Avi and The Freilach Band perform some of the most popular Israeli and Sefardi songs

    Teachings of Rav Dov Ber, the Maggid of Mezritch

    The Ba’al Shem Tov ’s successor, also known as “Der Groisser Maggid,” the Great Maggid.
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