Inspirational Jewish Quotes: “A Little Bit of Light Pushes Away a Lot of Darkness”

    A collection of inspirational Jewish quotes that will give you food for thought

    What is the Definition of a Good Person According to Judaism?

    Is it enough to be a good person without being religious? What is the definition of being a good person?…

    How did The Righteous Merit Lighting up the World with Their Torah?

    Rabbi Shteinman’s answer will surprise you.

    No Contact Rules – It’s Just Too Hard

    Life is full of instances in which you have to delay gratification — and yes, it’s hard. But if you…

    Watch – Collection of Remarkable Science Experiments

    Science experiments that are simply fun to watch

    Rabbi Paysach Krohn Loves What Hidabroot’s Doing!

    Hear it from one of our most prominent fans and supporters, Rabbi Paysach Krohn tells all about Hidabroot

    Speak to G-d, He is Listening!

    Not only does G-d love you he wants to hear from you!

    Q&A: Doing Laundry on Chol Hamoed

    I manage a family vacation site during the holiday, and since there are guests staying only during the Chol Hamoed…

    A Mother’s Rosh Hashanah Experience

    How could I possibly approach these holy days without the opportunity to pray in synagogue?

    Watch: the most amazing video you’ll see today

    AMAZING Hand-drawn Paper Illustration
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