Zalman Pollack: Havdalah – Music Video

    You just finished extinguishing your Havdala candles, bringing an end to the light of Shabbat. Hold onto it for just…

    12 Facts about Joseph in Honor of His Yohrzeit

    The 1st of Tammuz is the day Joseph died over 3400 years ago in the year 2309

    The Mother-In-Law Daughter-In-Law Connection: Maintaining Healthy Family Relationships

    Building a relationship between the parents of the groom and the bride, and between the parents of the bride and…

    Fragments of my past

    It’s heartbreaking watching my father dole out the past with no genuinely interested takers

    Shaping One’s Character — Only in This World!

    While man is in the land of the living, he can mold his character — for the physical body, with…

    Watch: Giant Iceberg Breaks Off Glacier

    Wonders of Creation: Huge iceberg crashes and creates rainbow

    The Personality Clash in Relationships

    Each and every predestined relationship carries within it the seeds of its own fruition. The potential is there, but the…

    G-d is Always There to Catch You

    G-d is the place of the world and brings stability to our lives when things are down

    You Don’t Buy Kids in the Bakery

    They’re not finished products ready to produce nachas, satisfaction you need patience and alot of self-control to help them grow…
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