Huge Explosion at a Military Warehouse in Russia – Watch

    Russia’s Defense Ministry said a fire triggered the explosions at a storage facility for gunpowder near the city of Achinsk…

    Watch: Wonders of Creation – Deep Sea Anglerfish

    Amazing footage of an anglerfish swimming in the depths of the ocean. See how the fish uses its natural aluminous…

    Gallery: Spectacular Natural Phenomena you won’t Believe Exist

    Frozen waves, a meteorite that landed on earth, and more natural phenomena you must see

    Seeing the Sounds

    Why did God want us to 'see the sounds' when the Torah was given at Mount Sinai? Why was it…

    The Place Where They Belong: New Release by Abie Rotenberg & Boruch Levine

      Developed and Hosted by Bluefish Digital. Back Official Events Back The 2. Back Heritage Names. Leave message.

    New Release: Ishay Ribo & Motty Steinmetz – Nafshi

    Unique duet between two very similar and different worlds; Yishai Ribo and Moti Steinmetz. Lyrics: “Nafshi chamda b‘tzel yadecha lada'at…

    The Torah’s View on Organ Donation

    According to Judaism, are we allowed to donate organs after death?

    Can you Change your Personality Traits?

    Can a person change the personality traits he was born with? Rabbi Zamir Cohen explains how you can channel your…

    Sarah – The Legacy of Passion

    Passion is the engine which gives depth, inspiration and continuity. Sarah had passion, because of this she became the heart…

    Mendy J & Simi Jacobson: Mashiach Yavo – Acapella Style

    This new music video from Mendy J shows some of the fascinating miracles that have occurred in the last century.…
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