Hidabrut Exclusive; Sneak Movie Preview of “Rabbi Nachman’s Stories”
Watch “Hindyk”, a story from the movie and the director Tzvi Fishman’s message to us.
Payday Will Come
You just need to wait a little bit longer but it's worth it
The Yom Kippur War: Celebrating Sukkot Under Fire
Rare video footage from the archive of the IDF: Distribution of wine and the Four Species for the holiday of…
Speaking Gossip to Close Relatives
Is it permissible to speak negatively about others to one's spouse, in order to get the issue off one's chest?
The Inner Reality of Clothing
Our intrinsic holiness mandates our wearing clothing
What is Jewish Spirituality? Rabbi Michel Twerski
Are we connecting to G-d in the correct way? Brought to you by 'Drops Of Light Project'
Mengele, I defeated you
Chaya Wach managed to survive Auschwitz and the loss of her husband and build a new family. Her grandchildren are…
Parshat Bo – Gratitude Amnesia
Do we take things for granted even when they are obviously gifts?
Rabbi Yigal Cohen – Love Your Wife
Rabbi Yigal Cohen explains what it means to truly love your spouse. Love that keeps a couple together for a…
Tzvi Fishman’s Journey Back Home
Part two of our interview. Tzvi tells about his journey from Hollywood to the Holy Land